Conventional and Non-conventional Sources of Energy

What is Energy?

The word Energy is a physical system’s ability to do work. In our daily lives, we need energy from numerous sources to complete different tasks. We employ muscular energy to perform physical work, electrical energy to power many household machines, chemical energy to prepare meals, and so on.  

Sources of Energy

Conventional and Non-conventional Sources of Energy

The principle of Conservation of Energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed but can be transferred from one form to another. There are two primary energy sources: conventional sources of energy and non-conventional sources of energy. 

Conventional and Non-Conventional Sources of Energy

Conventional Sources of Energy  Non-conventional Sources of Energy 
Conventional sources of energy, also known as non-renewable sources of energy, exist in limited quantities and have been utilized by humans for many years. These non-renewable energy sources are decomposing materials that take hundreds of years to generate, such as coal, petroleum, and so on. As a result, once exhausted, they can never be created at a rate or pace that can continue their rate of consumption. conventional sources of energy  Non-conventional sources of energy, often known as renewable sources of energy, are energy sources that are continually renewed by natural processes. Non-conventional energy sources are a renewable and sustainable option for our future energy needs. They are not quickly depleted and can be created at a consistent pace for repeated usage. Furthermore, these sources are less expensive and do not pollute the atmosphere or natural surroundings. Wind energy, tidal energy, solar energy, geothermal energy, and biomass energy are a few examples of non-conventional energy sources. 

Examples of Conventional and Non-Conventional Sources of Energy

Conventional Energy Types

Conventional energy is classified into commercial and non-commercial energy. 

  • Commercial energy sources: We must pay to obtain energy from these types of sources. The consumption price is determined by a variety of elements, such as demand and supply, availability, feasibility, and so on. 
  • Non-commercial energy sources: The majority of accessible energy resources are free to utilize. Firewood, cow manure, and straw are a few examples. Firewood is derived from trees and plants, manure from animal wastes, and straw from agricultural plants such as wheat crops and rice crops. 

Examples of Conventional Sources of Energy

(a) Electricity: This is the most prevalent and necessary type of energy that we utilize in our everyday lives. It powers numerous domestic appliances, including refrigerators, light bulbs, TV, and washing machines, and it is also utilized in business and manufacturing facilities. Electricity is generated at power plants using various commercial energy sources such as nuclear power plants, hydroelectric power plants, and thermal power plants. 

(b) Natural gas and oil: These are likewise derived from fossil fuels and are found under the Earth’s surface as degraded organic components. They have this shape due to the extreme compression and warmth of the Earth’s strata. Natural gas and oil are also non-renewable energy resources since they require a long time to generate but may be utilized immediately. 

(c) Coal: A type of fossil fuel found under the Earth’s surface that was generated by decayed organic components owing to the intense compression and temperature caused by the Earth’s layers. Coal, which we consume, takes millions of years to create. As a result, it is a nonrenewable and commercial energy source. 

Non-conventional sources of energy

Non-conventional sources of energy or renewable energy resources are natural resources that may constantly provide usable energy over a long period of time and are accessible for use even after they have been depleted. Sunlight, wind, water movement, and the ocean are examples of non-traditional energy sources. 

(a) Solar energy: Solar energy is produced by the Sun. It is created by nuclear fission and fusion within the Sun. This energy is transmitted as radiation. This energy is captured by photovoltaic cell panels, which absorb solar radiation and turn it into electricity that may be used to power household appliances. 

(b) Wind: When we talk about wind energy, we imply that the wind speed must be high enough to provide a significant quantity of productive work. This type of wind energy is frequently accessible along the shore or near mountains where there is a continual flow of strong wind. Wind turbines, which are large, are erected at such locations to harness the wind energy, which powers the turbines and generates electricity. 

(c) Hydro energy: This energy is commonly found in flowing rivers. A dam is built to hold river water in a convenient area. This held water has potential energy, which may be turned into kinetic energy by restricting the flow. As a result, we have a high-speed water stream that powers massive turbines to generate energy. 

Difference Between Conventional and Non-Conventional Sources of Energy

Conventional Energy  Non-Conventional Energy 
 Non-renewable energy sources  Renewable energy sources 
It has been in use for millennia  It is a recent advancement in the field of alternative fuels 
Used in both commercial and industrial purposes  Mostly utilized domestically or at home 
They are limited resources  They are widely available 


Both conventional and unconventional energy sources are critical resources for residential and commercial usage. Despite this, rapid population expansion and resource depletion have exhausted conventional sources. As a result, non-traditional energy sources are being innovated. If you would like to know more about Energy, enroll in Tutoroot’s Personalised Learning classes. 

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