What are Self Pollination and Cross Pollination? – Difference, Definition


Pollination is a crucial process in the reproductive cycle of flowering plants, enabling the transfer of pollen from the male part (anther) to the female part (stigma) of a flower. This process can occur in two primary ways: self-pollination and cross-pollination. Understanding these concepts is essential for students and anyone interested in plant biology. This article explores the definitions, differences, advantages, and disadvantages of self-pollination and cross-pollination, along with examples and diagrams for better comprehension. 

Understanding Basics of Self and Cross-Pollination 

Pollination is the mechanism through which plants reproduce. It involves the movement of pollen grains from the male anther to the female stigma. This process ensures the fertilization of the ovule, leading to seed formation and the propagation of plant species. 

What is Self-Pollination? 

Self-pollination occurs when pollen from the anther of a flower lands on the stigma of the same flower or another flower on the same plant. This type of pollination does not require external agents like wind, water, or animals. 

This process does not require external agents like wind, water, or animals. 

Few Self Pollination Examples

The examples of self-pollination are given below, 

  1. Pea Plants (Pisum sativum): Known for their self-pollinating ability, pea plants have flowers that close tightly, ensuring that pollen falls directly onto the stigma. 
  2. Tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum): These plants can self-pollinate within the same flower, thanks to their structure that facilitates direct pollen transfer. 
  3. Wheat (Triticum aestivum): Another example of self-pollinating plants, wheat often fertilizes itself before the flower even opens. 

Advantages and Disadvantages of Self Pollination

The major advantages and disadvantages of of self-pollination are, 


  • Genetic Consistency: Produces offspring genetically identical to the parent, ensuring trait stability. 
  • No Dependence on Pollinators: Eliminates the need for pollinators, which can be scarce in some environments. 
  • Efficient Reproduction: Allows rapid and efficient reproduction, beneficial in stable environments. 


  • Lack of Genetic Diversity: Results in less genetic variation, which can make plants more susceptible to diseases and environmental changes. 
  • Inbreeding Depression: Continuous self-pollination can lead to inbreeding depression, reducing plant vigor and fertility. 

What is Cross Pollination? 

Cross-pollination occurs when pollen from the anther of one flower is transferred to the stigma of another flower on a different plant of the same species. This process often involves external agents like insects, wind, or water. 

And this process requires external agents such as wind, water, insects, birds, or other animals. 

Cross Pollination Example for Better Understanding

Here are a few best examples of cross pollination, 

  1. Apple Trees (Malus domestica): Apple trees rely heavily on insects, especially bees, for cross-pollination. The bees transfer pollen from one apple flower to another, facilitating fertilization. 
  2. Pumpkins (Cucurbita pepo): These plants depend on bees to move pollen between male and female flowers, ensuring successful fruit production. 
  3. Oak Trees (Quercus spp.): Wind plays a crucial role in the cross-pollination of oak trees, carrying pollen from one tree to another over long distances. 

What are Self Pollination and Cross Pollination

Types of Cross Pollination 

4 major types of cross-pollination have existed. Here is the complete information for types of cross pollination. 

1. Entomophily (Insect Pollination)

Entomophily involves the transfer of pollen by insects, such as bees, butterflies, and beetles. These insects are attracted to flowers by their color, scent, and nectar. When insects visit flowers to collect nectar, they inadvertently pick up pollen and transfer it to other flowers. 

Example: Bees and Sunflowers (Helianthus annuus) – Bees visit sunflowers for nectar and, in the process, carry pollen from one flower to another, aiding in cross-pollination. 

2. Anemophily (Wind Pollination)

Anemophily occurs when pollen is carried by the wind from one flower to another. This type of pollination is common in grasses, trees, and other plants with lightweight, dry pollen that can be easily transported by the breeze. 

Example: Corn (Zea mays) – Corn plants produce large amounts of lightweight pollen that are dispersed by the wind to other corn plants, facilitating cross-pollination. 

3. Hydrophily (Water Pollination)

Hydrophily is a form of pollination where pollen is transferred through water. This type of pollination is rare and usually occurs in aquatic plants. 

Example: Vallisneria spiralis – In this aquatic plant, male flowers release pollen onto the water surface, which is then carried by water currents to female flowers for fertilization. 

4. Zoophily (Animal Pollination)

Zoophily involves the transfer of pollen by animals other than insects, such as birds, bats, and other mammals. These animals visit flowers for food, and during their visits, they help in transferring pollen. 

Example: Hummingbirds and Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) – Hummingbirds feed on the nectar of hibiscus flowers and, in the process, transfer pollen from one flower to another. 

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cross Pollination 

Here listed the advantages and disadvantages of cross pollination. 


  • Genetic Diversity: Promotes genetic variation, enhancing plant adaptability and resilience to environmental changes. 
  • Hybrid Vigor: Cross-pollination can result in hybrid vigor, producing stronger and more robust offspring. 


  • Dependence on Pollinators: Relies on external agents, which may not always be available, potentially limiting reproduction. 
  • Energy Intensive: Requires more energy to produce attractants like nectar, scent, and brightly colored flowers. 

Self-Pollination and Cross-Pollination Diagram 

Diagrams are instrumental in understanding the processes of self-pollination and cross-pollination. In self-pollination, the pollen moves within the same flower or plant. In cross-pollination, pollen travels from one plant to another, facilitated by wind, water, or animals. Visual representations can highlight these differences and illustrate the roles of various pollinators. 

Self Pollination and Cross Pollination Diagram

Difference Between Self Pollination and Cross Pollination 

The difference between self-pollination and cross-pollination are tabulated below, 

Self-Pollination and Cross Pollination Difference 

Parameter  Self Pollination  Cross Pollination 
Genetic Variation  Low  High 
Dependency on Pollinators  No  Yes 
Energy Requirement  Low  High 
Inbreeding Depression  Possible  Reduced 
Adaptability  Less adaptable to environmental changes  More adaptable due to genetic diversity 
Reproductive Assurance  High (no pollinator needed)  Variable (dependent on pollinator availability) 
Offspring Vigor  Generally less vigorous  Often more vigorous (hybrid vigor) 
Risk of Disease  Higher due to genetic similarity  Lower due to genetic diversity 
Flower Characteristics  Generally small, less attractive  Often large, colorful, and fragrant 
Seed Production  Consistent  Variable, depending on pollinator efficiency 

Final Notes 

Understanding self-pollination and cross-pollination is fundamental for studying plant biology and agriculture. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, influencing plant reproduction, genetic diversity, and adaptability. Recognizing these differences helps in appreciating the complexity and efficiency of nature’s reproductive strategies. 

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Give example of self-pollination and cross-pollination.

  • Self-pollination Example: Pea plants (Pisum sativum). 
  • Cross-pollination Example: Apple trees (Malus domestica). 

What are self and cross-pollination?

  • Self-pollination: The transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma of the same flower or another flower on the same plant. 
  • Cross-pollination: The transfer of pollen from the anther of one flower to the stigma of a flower on a different plant of the same species. 

What is Self-pollination and cross-pollination difference?

  • Self-pollination involves pollen transfer within the same plant, leading to genetic consistency but low diversity. 
  • Cross-pollination involves pollen transfer between different plants, enhancing genetic diversity and adaptability. 

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