5 Useful Tips for Improving your JEE Maths Score Instantly
For all those aspiring IIT’ians who dread Maths and everything to do with numbers, this article is just what you need!
While Maths, Physics, and Chemistry are all tough subjects to wrap your head around, it is Maths that is the king of the paper. Why say that?
When the admission process takes place, the candidate’s JEE Mains test score can be the same as the next applicant, what then becomes the deciding factor is the Math score! That is why mastering the Maths syllabus can help you achieve an edge over other candidates. A few useful tips that can help you drive better results instantly are,
- Deciphering
While it might sound mysterious, a lot of times Math questions are framed in such a way so as to give hints to the answer or have the answer itself! So try to polish your logical thinking and analytic skills. Become familiar with the language of maths and nothing can stop you from getting a high score!
- Grasping the idea!
Try and understand the concept behind a certain problem, Math sections usually use repetitive concepts, just applied differently! Once you figure out the idea you can apply it in multiple questions to derive your answer.
- Select the right study material to prepare from and the right guidance to study under, this will make all the difference! Joining tutoring services online is a great way to boost confidence and motivation. Studies suggest that interactive learning drives better outcomes! Virtual personalised learning and mentoring from expert faculty is a straight ticket to success!
- Start with what is fun! A major part of learning involves a hint of curiosity and interest, so to simply put it, it would be easier for you to begin with something you like, for example, geometry! This could help motivate you and keep you focused right till the end.
- Practice till your pen drops!
Math is a subject that can only be mastered by applying theory to practice multiple times and in multiple types of ways, refer to different sources, be thorough with the syllabus. Algebra is an area of mathematics where you can score easily as compared to other topics. It does however require clarity in basic! So perhaps building a formula sheet can be of great use to you.
To begin with, bring about a positive outlook towards the subject. Fear would only result in poor outcomes. Try and enjoy the learning process, this will spark an interest in the subject and lead you to delve deeper into the basics of it, which would inevitably produce outstanding results! Tutoroot offers best Maths Online tuition which are Interactive Online Learning sessions to aspiring engineering students. What makes their service unique is their ability to grab your attention! These are not boring pre-recorded lessons given by a lecturer.
It is everything fun! One on One classes with expert faculty to clear all your doubts, practice questions, and challenging mock tests. This is everything you need to improve your JEE Math score instantly! Don’t hold back, get started!