Avoiding Study Burnout: Being Relaxed and Happy

Studying is supposed to be a fun process, where every student understands, appreciates and applies the knowledge learnt. However, sometimes, studying can be exceptionally hard and arduous. No matter what, it is crucial that all students be relaxed and happy while studying to enable best assimilation of knowledge. Here are some tips to help you overcome the study burnout.


Alternate Between Hard and Easy Subjects

Most of us find some just excruciatingly difficult and others, relatively easy. Alternate between difficult and easy subjects. Spend two hours on a difficult subject and then an hour on a simple subject. This will help you feel more comfortable and confident. Additionally, you can also create a timetable and study difficult subjects 3 days of the week.

Enjoy Hobbies and Pastimes

Overworked students often feel overwhelmed during examinations and struggle to have a balance. It is extremely crucial that students engage in hobbies, pastimes and leisure activities on a regular basis. Ensure that you set aside at least an hour everyday to focus on leisure activities. Paint, draw, sing, and do anything you want to take your mind away from studies.

Sleep Well

A good night’s sleep is extremely crucial in helping you remain calm and level-headed. Ensure that you get at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep every night. Make your bed cosy and comfortable and ensure that you don’t have any disturbances.

Food for Thought

Food for Thought isn’t a mere phrase. To be able to think clearly, we need food!
Ensure that you consume a balanced diet rich in nutrients. Drink sufficient amounts of water and keep yourself dehydrated. Additionally, treat yourself to some goodies once in a while. This will help you feel more energised and motivated.

The Bottom Line

Do you remember the line ‘When the dog bites, when the bee stings, when I’m feeling sad, I simply remember my favourite things, and then I don’t feel so bad’

Stress isn’t permanent, but its effects can be long-lasting. Identifying suitable relaxation techniques to enable better focus on studies is of crucial importance.

The next time you feel stressed, think about what you can do to make yourself happy, and do it.


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