How to Score 90 Percent in IGCSE Board Exams?


Scoring 90 percent in IGCSE Board Exams is an exceptional achievement that reflects a student’s dedication, hard work, and academic prowess. To attain such a high score requires strategic planning, effective studying techniques, and a strong foundation in the subjects. In this article, we will explore the importance of scoring 90 percent, understand the IGCSE Board Exam structure, and uncover the key strategies that will help students reach this milestone. 

Why scoring 90 percent is a significant achievement 

Scoring 90 percent in IGCSE Board Exams holds immense significance due to various reasons. Firstly, it opens up a plethora of opportunities for higher education, scholarships, and future career prospects. Additionally, it showcases exceptional academic abilities, setting students apart from their peers. Achieving such high scores also instills confidence and creates a sense of accomplishment, motivating students to further excel in their academic journey. 

Importance of strategic planning and effective studying

Strategic planning and effective studying are crucial factors that contribute to scoring 90 percent in IGCSE Board Exams. By carefully planning one’s study routine and implementing effective studying techniques, students can optimize their learning potential and enhance their academic performance. These aspects not only lead to better subject understanding but also improve retention and application of knowledge during exams. 

Understanding the IGCSE Board Exams 

The IGCSE curriculum is designed to provide a rigorous academic foundation to students aged 14 to 16. It covers a wide range of subjects, including Mathematics, Sciences, English Language, and Humanities. The IGCSE Board Exams assess students’ knowledge, comprehension, and application skills through a combination of written and practical examinations. Understanding the structure and marking scheme of these exams is essential to excel and achieve a score of 90 percent. 

Overview of the IGCSE curriculum and grading system

The IGCSE curriculum offers a comprehensive and internationally recognized course of study. It comprises a diverse range of subjects that aim to develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills. The grading system in IGCSE is based on a scale from A* to G, with A* representing the highest level of achievement. Scoring 90 percent corresponds to achieving an A* grade, which is an outstanding accomplishment. 

Exam structure and marking scheme

The IGCSE Board Exams consist of both written and practical components. The written exams mainly assess students’ theoretical knowledge and understanding of the subjects, while the practical exams evaluate their ability to apply concepts and conduct experiments. The marking scheme for IGCSE exams follows a structured approach, awarding points for accurate answers, application of relevant concepts, and effective communication of ideas. 

Setting the Foundation for Success

To score 90 percent in IGCSE Board Exams, it is essential to establish a strong foundation for success. This can be achieved through the following key strategies: 

  • Importance of regular study routine: Maintaining a regular study routine is crucial for effective learning and retention. By dedicating specific time slots to each subject on a daily basis, students can ensure comprehensive coverage of the syllabus and avoid last-minute cramming. Consistency is key in establishing a study routine that optimizes learning potential. 
  • Creating a conducive study environment: A conducive study environment plays a vital role in enhancing focus and concentration. It is important to have a well-lit, quiet, and organized space where distractions are minimized. Having access to necessary study materials, such as textbooks and reference materials, is also essential for a productive study environment. 
  • Goal setting and motivation: Setting clear goals and objectives helps students stay focused and motivated throughout their exam preparation. By breaking down the larger goal of scoring 90 percent into smaller milestones, students can gauge their progress and track their achievements. Celebrating each small milestone reached provides encouragement and boosts motivation. 
  • Preparing a Study Plan: To excel in IGCSE exams, students must develop a well-structured study plan that caters to their specific needs and learning style. The following steps can guide students in preparing an effective study plan: 
  • Understanding the exam schedule and syllabus: Familiarizing oneself with the exam schedule and the syllabus for each subject is essential when creating a study plan. This allows students to allocate appropriate study time for each subject and plan their revision accordingly. 
  • Breaking down subjects and topics: Breaking down subjects and topics into manageable chunks helps students tackle their studies more effectively. By creating a list of all the subjects and then dividing them into smaller topics, students can prioritize their study areas and allocate time accordingly. 
  • Allocating study time effectively: Time management is a crucial aspect when preparing for exams. Students should allocate study time depending on the difficulty level and their proficiency in each subject. Distributing study time evenly among all subjects and dedicating more time to challenging topics or subjects can help maximize learning outcomes. 

Effective Study Techniques 

To optimize learning and retention, students can utilize various study techniques. Implementing active learning strategies, utilizing flashcards and mnemonic devices, and practicing through mock exams contribute to better understanding and recall of information. 

  • Active learning strategies for better retention: Active learning involves engaging with the study material through various methods, such as summarizing content in one’s own words, discussing concepts with peers, or teaching the material to someone else. This promotes deeper learning and improves retention of information. 
  • Utilizing flashcards and mnemonic devices: Flashcards and mnemonic devices are effective tools for memorization. Flashcards can be used to create question-answer pairs for quick review, while mnemonic devices, such as acronyms or visualization techniques, aid in remembering complex information. 
  • The power of practice papers and mock exams: Practicing with past papers and mock exams allows students to become familiar with the exam format, time constraints, and question types. It helps in identifying weak areas, improving time management skills, and building confidence for the actual exam. 

Mastering Essential Study Skills

Developing strong study skills is paramount for success in IGCSE Board Exams. This includes effective note-taking techniques, time management skills, and enhancing comprehension and critical thinking abilities. 

  • Effective note-taking techniques: Taking concise and organized notes while studying enables students to review and revise information efficiently. Methods like mind maps, bullet points, and highlighting important concepts aid in better understanding and recall during exams. 
  • Developing strong time management skills: Time management is essential for completing the syllabus and revision in a timely manner. Prioritizing tasks, creating study schedules, and adhering to set timelines ensures a balanced approach to studying and reduces last-minute stress. 
  • Enhancing comprehension and critical thinking abilities: Building comprehension and critical thinking skills helps in analyzing and understanding complex concepts. Engaging with the material through active reading, questioning, and researching further enhances understanding and fosters intellectual growth. 

Subject-Specific Tips and Strategies

Each subject requires a specific approach to excel in IGCSE exams. Let’s explore some tips and strategies for key subjects: 

  • Mathematics: To strengthen mathematical concepts, students should practice solving different types of problems. Regularly working on problem sets and utilizing mathematical tools and formulas effectively contribute to a deeper understanding of the subject. 
  • English Language: Improving grammar, vocabulary, and punctuation is crucial for English Language exams. Enhancing reading and writing skills through extensive reading, and writing practice, and participating in language-focused activities aids in achieving proficiency. 
  • Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Biology): Understanding key scientific concepts and theories is fundamental in sciences. Students should engage in practical experiments and observations to supplement their theoretical knowledge. Employing memorization techniques for important facts and formulas enhances retention. 
  • Humanities (History, Geography, Economics): Developing a comprehensive understanding of humanities subjects requires thorough reading, analysis, and critical thinking. Making concise notes and summaries aids in revision, while analyzing case studies and staying up-to-date with current events strengthens knowledge and application skills. 

Effective Exam Preparation

Preparing for exams requires a systematic and focused approach. The following strategies can help students prepare effectively: 

  • Developing a revision schedule: Creating a revision schedule that allows for comprehensive coverage of the syllabus is essential. Students should allocate sufficient time for each subject, ensuring all topics are revisited and revised adequately. 
  • Utilizing past papers and marking schemes: Practicing with past papers allows students to familiarize themselves with the exam format, question types, and time management skills required. Analyzing the marking schemes helps in understanding the expectations of the examiners and the style of answers that yield maximum marks. 
  • Techniques to manage exam stress: Exam stress is a common challenge faced by students. Engaging in stress-management techniques such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, and maintaining a balanced lifestyle with proper sleep and nutrition can help reduce anxiety and enhance performance. 

Test Day Strategies

Test days can be nerve-wracking, but with the right approach, students can perform at their best. Some important strategies to keep in mind: 

  • Effective time management during exams: Managing time efficiently during exams is crucial to complete all questions within the allotted time. Students should allocate time for reading instructions, planning answers, and leaving sufficient time for reviewing and making corrections. 
  • Approaching different question formats: IGCSE exams consist of various question formats, including multiple-choice, short answers, and essay questions. Understanding the requirements of each question format and practicing with sample questions can help students approach them effectively. 
  • Importance of reading instructions carefully: Reading instructions carefully ensures that students understand the requirements of each question. Paying attention to specific keywords, such as “compare,” “contrast,” or “evaluate,” helps in providing the desired response and earning maximum marks. 

Post-Exam Review and Analysis 

After completing the exams, reviewing and analyzing performance is crucial for growth and improvement. The following steps should be taken: 

  • Evaluating strengths and weaknesses: Analyzing performance allows students to identify their strengths and weaknesses in different subjects. Recognizing areas of improvement helps in focusing future efforts on those areas and developing a targeted study plan for upcoming exams. 
  • Identifying areas for improvement: By reviewing exam answers and feedback from teachers, students can gain valuable insights into areas that require further improvement. Addressing these areas through additional study and practice contributes to overall academic growth. 
  • Seeking feedback and guidance from teachers: Teachers provide valuable guidance and feedback that can enhance students’ understanding and performance. Seeking clarification on exam questions or discussing areas of weakness with teachers fosters a supportive learning environment and helps in future exam preparation. 

Staying Motivated Throughout the Exam Period 

Maintaining motivation throughout the exam period is vital for consistent effort and effective learning. Here are some strategies to stay motivated: 

  • Managing stress effectively: Stress can hinder motivation and performance. Implementing stress management techniques, such as exercise, meditation, or engaging in hobbies and activities that provide relaxation, helps in maintaining a balanced mindset. 
  • Engaging in physical exercise and relaxation techniques: Physical exercise boosts energy levels, reduces stress, and improves focus. Incorporating regular exercise into the daily routine enhances overall well-being and supports a positive mindset during the exam period. 
  • Celebrating small achievements: Recognizing and celebrating small achievements along the way keeps students motivated and boosts self-confidence. Achieving study milestones, completing challenging tasks, or scoring well in practice exams are all accomplishments worth acknowledging. 

Final Notes

In conclusion, achieving a score of 90 percent in IGCSE Board Exams requires strategic planning, effective studying techniques, and a strong foundation in each subject. By following the outlined strategies and tips, students can optimize their learning potential and increase their chances of attaining this exceptional academic achievement. Through consistent effort, dedication, and a focused mindset, students can excel in IGCSE exams and open doors to a bright future. 

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Is it possible to achieve 90 percent in all subjects?

Achieving 90 percent in all subjects is challenging but possible with consistent effort and effective study strategies. 

How far in advance should I start preparing for the exams?

Starting exam preparation 2-3 months in advance is recommended for comprehensive coverage and ample revision time. 

Should I focus more on studying alone or in study groups?

The balance between solo study for deep understanding and study groups for diverse perspectives yields better results. 

What is the best way to overcome exam anxiety?

Deep breathing, positive self-talk, and time management techniques help overcome exam anxiety. 

Are there any specific resources or books recommended for preparing for IGCSE exams?

Utilize the official IGCSE syllabus, past papers, and recommended textbooks for thorough exam preparation. 

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