Stressed with Online Education? – Take a Breather with These Simple Tips!

It’s been a year and more where the four walls of your house are both your hangout and working place. When as adults it’s not easy, how is it that kids can cope up with these gruelling times!

Waking every morning to the same scheduled online classes seems like a daunting task.

With curious brains children would love exploring, peeping, prodding at the world.   But alas! This past year has significantly and rapidly changed their lives. The impact of regular online classes on mental health is a subject of concern. 


Let’s see what are the adverse impacts of online education?

Social Isolation – Where do children learn to mingle with people? Schools of course!

But with the virtual class scenario and without social interaction, students are feeling lonely and unmotivated.

Increased stress and fretfulness – With no motivation with the peer groups around and un-friendly home conditions, how do children keep up with the school work on time?

Some students require more attention and the brighter students need constant appreciation and motivation. As this has been missing, it may lead to stress and heightened anxiety issues.

Online fatigue and low concentration – Looking to your screens for long hours is a pain, isn’t it?

Physical classrooms have the advantage of high-pitch tones and the facial expressions of teachers. But with long online sessions, it gets tiring to process information.

Now, what psychological solutions can help students deal with the situation better?

Plan a routine – Daily, list down important activities. Set a timeline, share activities, and make your family aware of your timetable

Practice healthy habits – A timely and deep sleep routine, a healthy diet, and regular exercises can boost the students positively. Staying active physically and mentally can help them cope up

Create a classroom friendly environment – Designating a quiet area of the home without any distractions will help them focus and be productive.

Segregate and allot timings – Weaker students might need more time to understand concepts, so allotting extra time will help them learn easily.

Plan out fun activities at home – Make time to catch up with your favourite shows or fun games with your family.

There are many positive aspects of online education as well. By resolving all shortcomings of these virtual classes, the future of students will be bright undoubtedly.

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