What is the Difference Between Online Classes and Offline Classes?

Online Classes and Offline Classes

Online Classes have become the benchmark in many students’ daily life during the Covid-19 pandemic. As students have never seen such a drastic change, there is now a fresh debate to determine whether offline or online classes are better suited to students. Students and parents are divided in this comparison, as some people are satisfied with online sessions while some support offline classes. So, let’s look at the extensive comparison of offline and online classes, as well as their numerous advantages and disadvantages. 

Differences Between Online and Offline Classes

There are many differences between offline and online classes, which we are going to explain in much more detail in this section. 

Aspects  Online Classes  Offline Classes 
Location  Learn from Anywhere  Location-Specific Learning 
Cost  Cost-Effective  Expensive 
Time  Time-Saving  Time-Consuming 
Schedule  Flexible  Fixed 
Pace of Learning  Customizable for Each Student  Only Teachers can Customize 
Doubt Resolving  Convenient or Special Sessions  Inconvenient or No Special Sessions 
Subject Related Books  Access to the Best Educational Guides  Limited Access 
Adaptability  Excellent Adaptability based on Convenience  Fixed Adaptability 

Now that you have understood the difference between Online and Offline Classes. Let us discuss the various pros and cons of online classes vs offline classes. 

Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Classes

One question that comes to everyone is whether it is preferable to learn online or offline. Let us look at the online vs offline classes advantages and disadvantages. 

Advantages of Online Classes 

Learn From Anywhere

Unlike offline classes, online classes enable students or learners to attend classes from anywhere. It is especially helpful if the candidate is unable to visit the school or university because of lockdowns and other reasons. Furthermore, online classes are convenient, so even if the students miss the classes, they can catch up with the syllabus or topics whenever they are free.  


Many people across the country are enrolling in online classes every day instead of traditional offline classes, as they can save more money. And not just that, there are multiple online classes available, offered by various platforms across the country, which makes it cost-effective. Also, it can be very helpful to students to understand the syllabus and subjects within a short period at their convenience.  


One of the most important advantages of online classes is that they save time because students do not have to travel back and forth to attend the classes. Furthermore, unlike traditional classes, which continue all day, online classes last only a few hours. 


Students attending online classes can change or adjust their class schedules based on their convenience and availability. Besides, even if students are unable to attend the online session, they may access the recorded class and study all the topics covered on that day.  

Learning Pace

If you have attended online classes before, then you might already know that the learning pace of these classes is customizable for each student so that no one in the class will miss out on learning the topics or chapters, and more importantly, they can learn at their own pace.  

Doubt Resolving Sessions

Another unique merit of the online classes is that they all have specialized doubt-resolving sessions, which are not available in offline classes, as they must get their doubts cleared in the very offline sessions. Mainly because the faculty will move on to the next topic as soon as they complete the present one.  

Access to Educational Guides

When it comes to educational guides and extra study materials, online classes are the best, as students are provided access to the best educational guides without any additional fees. However, in offline classes, the students have to manually purchase books and study materials. 

Disadvantages of Online Classes

Lack of face-to-face interaction

One of the most significant disadvantages of online classes is the lack of physical interaction, which makes it more difficult to foster a feeling of community to get the most out of the study. 

Difficulty staying motivated

Another disadvantage of online classes is the difficulty of being attentive when studying alone. Because online education is generally done individually, it can be difficult to navigate, and stay involved, and motivated.   

Technical difficulties

Learning online must have access to the internet. Technical obstacles, such as internet connectivity issues, software compatibility issues, or laptop issues, might make it impossible to access online classes. 

Advantages and Disadvantages of Offline Classes

Advantages of Offline Classes

No Distractions

In online classes, teachers cannot monitor what each student is up to on their system, and this means students will be constantly distracted while attending classes. However, that is not the case in offline classes, as the teacher can find out whether the students are focusing or not, which means there will be fewer or no distractions at all.  


Competition in studies is a good sign since it guarantees that all students attending lessons are doing their best to earn the best results in the exam by understanding all the topics discussed in class. This process is not available in online classes.  

Assisting Students

Some students are very shy, and they do not ask their doubts while attending class, which is much worse in online classes. However, the main advantage of offline classes in such cases is that the teachers can individually focus on each student in the class and help them clarify their doubts then and there.  


In offline classes, students will be able to interact with their friends and teachers at the same time, which in turn will boost their interest in the topic or chapter. This will help them understand all the topics easily. Whereas in online classes, the interaction between students as well as teachers is limited.  


When attending an online class, the extracurricular activities that the students can take place in are limited. As suggested by many scientific reports, extracurriculars help students improve their knowledge in each subject and topic, which is only possible with offline classes. 

Disadvantages of Offline Classes

Travelling expenses

The offline classes have their institutes in one place, and every student must travel. This adds to hours of travelling and preparation, which can be not only expensive but also time-consuming. 

Fixed schedule

There is no room for leniency with offline classes, as the times are already fixed. Although the reason is unknown, there is a greater dropout rate among students who study 20 hours per week. 

Expensive mode of study

Attending offline classes is an expensive form of study, as we previously mentioned because, in addition to the tuition price, you must pay for boarding and manage the expenditures to travel to campuses. 

Dependency on teachers

Students become overly reliant on their teachers. Students should be exposed to hard situations until they reach a particular level to realize their full potential. This is only achievable if teachers become less engaged and provide assignments that require children to investigate on their own. 

Lack of repetition of class

When studying at an offline institute, the classes that are presented cannot be repeated. That is a well-known truth, but it is also inconvenient for individuals who miss their classes due to unforeseen reasons. Offline modes of learning are unfavourable to students who have missed lessons and want to retake them. 


So, as you can see, both online classes vs offline classes have their own set of advantages and disadvantages. And it all comes back to the student’s choice, his/her interests, availability, etc. Moreover, if you think that online classes are the best, then do check out the online tuition classes offered by the Tutoroot platform. They offer various benefits such as cost-effective prices, exclusive doubt-clearing sessions, the best educational materials, and many more. 

Personalised online learning tailors educational experiences to individual students’ needs, preferences, and learning styles. It leverages adaptive technologies to provide customized content and assessments, ensuring that each learner progresses at their own pace. This approach enhances engagement and helps students achieve their full potential through targeted support and resources.

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